Issue #6 26th April 2023
Principal's Message
Welcome to Term 2! I hope you and your families enjoyed the (mostly) sunny weather and had a great break from the school routine. The children have returned to school in a very calm manner, we look forward to another great term of learning and fun.
School Photos
Our dates for school photos are next week. Our two dates are Monday 1st May (all individual photos, class group photos, small group photos and Year 6 group) and Thursday 4th May (sibling photos, makeup individual photos and 50th Anniversary Whole School photo). School photos must be purchased before photo day. Please check your emails and Compass, as purchases are made directly through the Compass App to MSP Photography.
Mothers Day
Our Mother's Day stall will be held on Wednesday May 10th. All gift purchases are $7 and must be finalised by Thursday 4th May, through Qkr!
Winter Uniform
Winter Uniform begins on Monday 15th May. If ther weather turns significantly cold before that date, we will bring the date forward. All students have returned in Summer uniform in Term 2 and for School Photos.
We wish our Year 5 students a wonderful time in Bathurst tomorrow and Friday, as they embark on their first overnight excursion. We know you will have such a special time and enjoy every moment.
Early Leavers
Unfortunately, we are regularly seeing children signed out early of an afternoon, particularly on a Thursday and Friday afternoon. Our school day, and student learning, is until 3.15pm. There are very few reasons that a child should be signed out before this time.
Thoughts and Prayers
Please keep the Barnes family (Tiernan and Malaki) in your thoughts and prayers. Tiernan and Malaki's grandmother, Barbara Barnes passed away last week. May your treasured memories help you through this difficult time. Barbara's funeral will be held this Friday 28th at 2pm in our church.
All Mothers and Carers Welcome
This year, the St Mary's PIP Team are excited to host a special Mother’s Day celebration breakfast in honour of all mother’s, those in motherly caring roles and their children. We will be supplying a yummy, scrummy, mummy feast compliments of our school. Breakfast will include either a sausage sandwich or bacon and egg sandwich with tea, coffee and juice provided. Please complete the breakfast order form Via QKR! APP Friday 5th May. Please ensure that you place your QKR order under your eldest child ONLY, for all family members. Please also remember to select the timeslot you will be attending so that we can ensure that your food is ready.
COOKING UP A STORM! Attention all Dads and Pops! We need an eager team of helpers to help cook the BBQ for the mums! Also to serve and wash up during the morning… Please use the ‘Sign Up’ link to register your commitment and help volunteer during the morning.
St Mary's 50th Anniversary
We want to celebrate our school's 50th Anniversary with a fun night our with friends. So, gather a group of friends and save the date - a fun, child-free night at the Hali for dinner, drinks and dancing.
Tickets will go on sale soon.
Please contact the parent team if you can help, and click on the link.
First Eucharist
On 26th April enrolment for First Eucharist begins. This is open to all students in Year 4 or older who have been Baptised, Confirmed and made their Reconciliation. Parent information sessions will be run on 11th May. Please read the attached flyer for further information.
Stations of the Cross
Thank you to our students and families who participated in this moving service on Good Friday.
Holy Week Liturgy
We concluded Term 1 with a special Holy Week Liturgy. Andrew Chinn led all the students through their events and connected them beautifully for us. A special thank you to our choir who did an amazing job and our Year 6 students who led the readings. It was wonderful to have so many parents and parishioners join us and celebrate with us.
ANZAC Day Liturgy
This morning we held our school ANZAC Day Liturgy. It was a beautiful morning and the students read perfectly. Thank you to Ian Collier, Michael Humpries, Allan Love, Roy Norman, Alan Thiele and Tom Hobbs from Toukley RSL who were able to join us for the liturgy and talk to the children. A big thank you also to the many students who have volunteered their time to join us yesterday for the ANZAC Day March to Toukley Cenotaph.
Mother's Day Liturgy
On Friday 12th May we will hold a Mother's Day Liturgy. Our Year 1 students will be leading this. The liturgy will begin at 9.45am in the church. The Year 1 teachers will be putting together an iMovie with photographs of our mums or significant women in lives. If you would like to contribute to this please email one photo to . We ask that only one photo is sent in due to the size of our school.
Please see our Term 2 calendar for various upcoming events.