Issue #1 5th February 2025
Principal's Update
Welcome back to another school year! Your children have been sharing their many stories from the school holidays, it sounds like everyone had so much fun. It is always a beautiful moment watching the excitement of the children as they return from weeks away from friends, greeting each other with hugs and squeals.
We look forward to now settling into a new year and our school routine. The Year 6 children have made a wonderful start as our school leaders, perfectly setting an example for the younger students. Our Kindergarten children began this morning, with excitement and apprehension they took their first day of 'big school' in their stride, and have had a lovely first day.

Parent Meetings. Next week is the first formal opportunity for you to meet with your child's teacher. These 10 minute appointments will be in your child's class (your child will wait outside), and is a time for you to share important information with the teacher. Bookings are made through the Compass App; bookings close this Friday.
'About My Child'. You will be sent home an 'About My Child' form this week, please return it this week to your child's teacher.
Kinder Information Workshop. An invitation will go out soon for our current Kinder families to attend our information workshop (Wednesday 19th February at 5.00pm). It is important for at least one parent from each family to attend this 60-minute workshop, outlining how 'decodables' are read with your child at home and your role in supporting your child's home reading, and discussions around how the children have settled into big school and how you can support them.
Parent Calendar. Today, your child will bring home a calendar of events for Term 1, it is also attached below. The calendar also includes the Staff Development Days for 2025. Please note that additional events may be included, and current items can change, but wherever possible, we hope it remains as printed. Parents are very welcome to join us at whole school events and Masses this year.
Uniform. Thank You! Your children have arrived back to school in their correct school uniform, and they look sensational. Thank you for your efforts and support in this important matter. Please note, children only wear their sports uniform on a Friday and their PE day (their teacher will tell them which day this is). The other three days is full summer uniform.
Mobiles and Smart Watches . If your child requires a phone or smart watch for safe travel to/from school, they must take it to the school office on arrival to school each day. A form needs to be completed for all children bringing phones to school. At the end of each day, children can collect their phone/smart watch. This includes all smart watches with the ability to receive/send texts, calls and take photos and videos (even if the features can be turned off).

Kinder 2026 Open Day
We have our Kinder 2026 Open Day in just a few short weeks. Please click the link to register your child's interest if you have a younger sibling looking to enrol.
Dogs on site. Please remember that there are absolutely no dogs allowed on our school site, even if on a lead or in your arms. This is signposted at the gate entrance to the school. We have children with phobias and also allergies.
Morning drop-off. Our student supervision begins at 8.30am. Please do not drop off your child before 8.15am as they will be unsupervised. Our school gates usually open at approximately 8.00am. If you regularly require early morning drop-off, please contact Tanya in OOSH for availabilities.
Carpark. Please take care when you use the carpark. Please drive slowly and look out for children. When waiting to exit the carpark, do not stop on the pedestrian crossing as children are unable to safely cross.
Permissions: Cyber Safety and Photo. Shortly you will receive two 'events' on Compass to give permission for. The first will be Photo Permission for your child which was sent out earlier today, please complete this as soon as possible. The second will be sent next week, and will be around Cyber Safety, permission for your child to use the internet and technology at school for learning. Please complete this on Compass.
Concussion. Following updated sporting guidelines, please contact the school if your child suffers from a concussion outside of school eg. weekend sport. This will ensure we are able to monitor them appropriately during the 14 days post being symptom free.
From our REC
We are looking forward to a wonderful year of celebrating and learning at St Mary's!
Opening School Mass. On Friday 28th February we will celebrate our Opening School Mass in our church at 9.15am. Parents, you are welcome to join us. It is always exciting to come together for the first time in the year as a whole school community.
Family Sunday Mass. Our first Family Mass for 2025 is next month. Year 6 and Kindergarten, you will both be attending together. We invite all parents to attend the Sunday Mass with their children. Children are not required to wear their school uniform. The Mass begins at 9am, and we hope you can bring a plate to share for morning tea afterwards. We ask all students to attend only one Sunday Mass with their grade each year, so we look forward to seeing you there! An invitation is below and will also be sent home with your child.

Sacrament of Reconciliation. As our Year 4 students (and some children in Year 5 and Year 6) prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and then Holy Communion, the parish have advised us of an upcoming information session, and attendance is compulsory. If you have any questions, please contact the parish. A QR code to register is below, and information has been sent home with your child.

Other news

If any families are interested, there is a flyer attached for Community Grants.
There are currently vacancies for piano tuition during school hours. Please contact
Chris Hochkins for further details. Ph. 0414 186 044