Issue #5 3rd April 2024
Principal's Update
I hope you all enjoyed a happy and holy Easter long weekend. Thank you for your support while our staff have completed two days of professional learning around Assessment, Curriculum Reform and Explicit Direct Instruction yesterday and today. They have been two full days of learning for our staff. We look forward to welcoming back the children tomorrow.
Last week we saw most grades share their Holy Week Sacred Space. This Friday 5th, we will see Year 1 and Year 2 students leading their Sacred Space 'The Resurrection'. This will be at 9.00am (weather permitting). In the event of rain at 9.00am Friday, it will be held next week (date tbc).
Our Term 2 School Calendar will be sent home next week, so that you can note the key dates of a number of events including the Year 5 Bathurst and Year 6 Canberra trips, our school Feast Day, Parent/Teacher meetings, Athletics carnival and much more.
Cross Country
We enjoyed a fun Cross Country a few weeks ago, the children did a fantastic job of running such a long distance! Thank you to the parents who were able to assist by walking with the classes to and from Jenny Dixon Reserve. A huge thank you to Miss Dawson, who organised the morning so well. The presentation for the cross country will be held tomorrow morning 4th April (weather permitting) at 9.00am. In the event of wet weather, this presentation will be postponed until next Tuesday 9th April at 9.00am.
Cinema Under the Stars
We are hopeful that the rain stays away until the weekend, so that our Cinema Under the Stars can begin – however, with the predicted forecast, we will confirm the arrangements by Friday morning at the latest.
Mother's Day Stall
We look forward to providing another wonderful Mother’s Day Stall in Week 2 of next term (Wednesday 8th May). Purchases of gifts are pre-paid only through the Qkr! app, and can be bought until Friday 3rd May only. Gifts are $10 each, with a maximum of 2 gifts per student. As always, we do hope there will be many mums or dads available to help - there is more information in the flyer below, but if you are available to help on the day, please use the sign up link
ANZAC Day is in our school holidays. We will be commemorating this significant occasion with our school meeting at Toukley Green at 9.15am on ANZAC Day, for our school to walk together and lay a wreath. You are welcome to join us. Next Tuesday 9th April, we will commemorate ANZAC Day with members of the RSL attending school at 10.15am for a school liturgy. Please join us if you can.
School Photos
Our dates for school photos are next week, 8th and 11th April. All children must wear their full school uniform (not sports) on both of these dates. A schedule for the days has not been finalised as all individual photos, class group photos, small group photos, Year 6 group photo and sibling photos need to fit. Class photos will take place on Monday 8th. We are not able to accommodate the many different family requests regarding the times of photos being taken on the day. School photos must be purchased before photo day. Please check your emails and Compass, as purchases are made directly through the Compass App to MSP Photography.

Easter Raffle
Our Easter Raffle was a lot of fun last Thursday – thank you to all of the families who supported our raffle by donating an egg. Also, a huge thank you to our five parent helpers, Kiara, Lauren, Emma, Sheree and Hayley, who wrapped all of the gifts for our children to receive.
Our Mini Vinnies students have done a tremendous job, alongside Mrs Shearwood and Mrs Brooks, in selling tickets and collecting the prizes for wrapping - thank you Mini Vinnies!

Easter Hat Parade
Thank you to all of the creative mums and dads who supported the K-2 children in creating Easter Hat masterpieces for our parade last week. The children had a wonderful morning cheering for each other.
Year 7 Taster Day
Next Wednesday 10th April, our two local Catholic High Schools will be hosting a 'Year 7 Taster Day' for our students. Year 6 parents would have received information via Compass about registering for the days. We know you will enjoy your high school experience at MacKillop and St Brigid's!
Year 3/4 Gala Day
Next Wednesday 10th April, our Year 3 and Year 4 children will attend a fun soccer Gala Day at Adcock Park. The permission note has been sent out on Compass, please complete as soon as possible so teams can be finalised.
From our REC
Holy Week Sacred Spaces
Thank you to everyone who joined us to celebrate the events of Holy Week. Our Kinder students did a fabulous job beginning the sacred week off with Palm Sunday. Our Year 3 and 4 students continued this with their reflections of Jesus washing the disciples feets, the Last Supper and the Garden of Gethsemane. Our Year 5 and 6 students led a moving liturgy reflecting on Jesus trial and crucifixtion. Our Year 1 and 2 students will lead our Sacred Space on Friday at 9am to share with our community Jesus' resurrection.

First Eucharist
Enrolment for First Eucharist has begun. The sacrament of First Eucharist is open to anyone who has been baptised, confirmed and made their reconciliation. There is a parent information zoom on Wednesday 10th April.

The newly opened Central Coast Atrium is running Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for 3-6 year olds. The central aim is to help the child nurture their own personal relationship with God. Sessions run Saturdays 9.00am-10.30am, Our Lady of the Rosary, The Entrance. For information or to join our waitlist contact or call Ashleigh on 0466 255 033.
Project Compassion and Mary Macs
Thank you to our whole school community for their generosity during the Lenten season. Congratulations to 2 White and 2 Green who raised the most money in their classes across the school. A special mention to Cove from 1 Green and Willow from 5 Green who individually raised a substanital amount of money for Project Compassion. Along side 2 White and 2 Green, Cove and Willow will be able to throw water balloons at Mrs Sellars sometime during Week 10. Our students raised $1667.90 for Project Compassion. Our Easter raffle was another huge success. We had many excited students on Thursday, when they won prizes in our raffle. Thank you to our Mini Vinnies team led by Mrs Shearwood and Mrs Brooks. We have raised $1984.40 for Mary Macs at Woy Woy. This is a local organisation who feeds and supports the homeless on the Central Coast. Thank you for supporting these charities to support people both globally and locally.
Our school ANZAC Liturgy will be held on Tuesday 9th April at 10.15am. We have members of Toukley RSL coming to our school and a guest speaker, Flight Lieutenant Braydon Kocass. Please join us in the quadrangle if you are able to.