Issue #14 30th August 2023
Principal's Update
Concert Fever!
Next week, ‘Flashback: A Musical Journey Spanning Five Decades’ takes to the stage. Yesterday we held a very successful 'full dress rehearsal', we can see just how hard all of our children (and their teachers) have worked; the children are spectacular and I know you will be impressed with their dancing and singing.
We now ask any parents who would like to purchase additional tickets to do so. We would love a sell-out audience for our children - while both evening shows are sold out, there are around 200 tickets remaining for the 2.00pm day shows. So let any additional family members know that there are still tickets available. Tickets are on sale through The Art House Wyong, or (02)43351485.
A reminder that our concert is a compulsory event, and all children are expected to participate in both concerts (day and evening). Thank you for so promptly returning the note giving permission for your child to attend, as well as nominating if your child will attend school for supervision on their non-performance day. We appreciate your feedback and have planned our staffing accordingly. If you find that your circumstances change and your child does need to attend school when you nominated otherwise, we are open and any child is welcome. We expect approximately 60 children to attend school each day. Children should wear their school uniform and go to the top playground by 9.00am as usual. Supervision will be in the library and select classrooms. A reminder, there will be no canteen on these days.
Concert Thank You
I would like to thank and make special mention to a number of parents who have gone 'above and beyond' in assisting various grades complete their act; Chris Pennington, Bianca Bailey and Kira McDonald, thank you for all of the time you have given to attending practices and supporting our children and teachers.
All of our teachers and Mr Hockins have spent many hours creating dances, building props, editing song lists and encouraging children to try their best; all of this falls outside of their usual job description and for them I am truly grateful. The concert would not exist without their dedication. I encourage you to thank them, whether in person or by email to the school ofice, for all of their hard work.
A HUGE thank you must also go specifically to Mrs Elizabeth Shearwood. Elizabeth has worked tirelessly since January to put together our concert. It is her tremendous vision, creativity and artist ability that has created the wonderful show you will all experience next week. Thank you!
Father's Day
Father's Day celebrations are almost upon us. Thank you to the many parents who have volunteered to assist in the Father's Day Stall on Thursday or the BBQ Breakfast on Friday. Thank you also to our PIP Team who have been instrumental in organising these two large events.
A special thank you to Mrs Kyle, Year 3 teachers and our Year 3 children who lead our liturgy this Friday at 9.15am. Parents, you are very welcome to join us. A final reminder that today is the last day to submit a photo to be played in a slideshow during the liturgy and on Facebook. Please see below for details, all submissions must be in by 5.00pm this afternoon 30/8/23.
Hello, warm weather! From Monday 4th September, all children will be required to wear their school summer uniform. This has brought lots of cheers and excitment from the children, it seems to be the preferred uniform by many of our students! A reminder to please ensure your child is always wearing the correct uniform, which includes a school hat, the correct socks (grey with green and yellow line for boys, white ankle socks for girls) and black leather shoes. Sport uniform is white socks and runners that are predominantly white/mixture white and colour. Black running shoes are not part of our school uniform. I appreciate your support in this matter.
Book Parade
Once our school concert is complete, we will have another exciting event to look forward to - our annual Book Parade! We will be holding our Book Parade on Tuesday 19th September (Week 10) to celebrate Book Week, parents will be welcome to join us from 9.15am-10.30am for this much anticipated event.
Buses and Walkers
I ask you to please, once again, talk to your children about safety when getting home from school. With an increase in the number of children walking or riding home/to local streets, there is an increase in the chance of someone getting hurt. If your child is riding, they must wear a helmet. All children, walking or riding, should look for cars before crossing roads and move carefully through our carpark. Parents, please drive carefully through the carpark, only travelling 10km/hr and pay close attention at the pedestrian crossings.
Once again we have received phone calls from Busways about the behaviour of our children. These are public buses and our children are regularly throwing food, moving about the bus as it moves, yelling and recording children from other schools and members of the public. Parents, please talk to your children about the potential consequences of this dangerous behaviour.
A reminder that the grassed area on the left of the driveway as you enter the carpark, the bus bay and up to the start of the hall are all NO STOPPING and NO PARKING at all times. A number of parents are still using this area to quickly drop off their children. This needs to cease as it is putting other children in danger as they move through our carpark.
Book Club
We are after one volunteer who can commit to a few hours each term to help with the ordering and sorting of our Book Club. If you are interested in this, please contact the school office.
Term 4 Calendar
Our Term 4 calendar is attached towards the end of our newlsetter today. As always, there can be changes out of our control. Always use our newsletter and Compass updates for the most up-to-date information.
Thoughts and Prayers
Recently, Delmar O'Neill, a previous librarian of St Mary's, passed away. Some members of our community may remember Delmar. Our prayers are with Delmar's family during this difficult time.
Congratulations to Milla A and Chloe S for representing St Mary's this week in the Public Speaking Central Coast Northern Cluster Finals. Both girls were outstanding in their prepared and impromptu speeches. A special congratulations to Milla who placed 1st in the competition. Milla will now represent St Mary's in the Diocesan Finals in a few weeks time. Congratulations on your achievement girls, and good luck Milla!
Father's Day Photograph Final Reminder
Thank you to all our families who have sent through a photograph of their fathers or signifcant males in their lives. Today is the final day to do this. If you would like a photograph included in the reflection please send one high quality photo to by Wednesday 30th August.
Father's Day Liturgy
On Friday at 9.15am we will be celebrating our dads and all other significant males in our lives. This will be held in the church. Year 3 students will be leading this liturgy. Please join us if you are able to.
Diocesan Creative Arts Competition
Each year our Diocese encourages students to participate in the Creative Arts Compeition. The theme this year was "Compassion." Last week we acknowledged all our students who were highly commended and announced our school finalists. For the first time we had two dances and a song composed. Congratualtions to the students below who have progressed to the CSBB finals.
Visual Arts - Early Stage 1: Alivia, Stage 1: Jacob, Stage 2: Yenna and Stage 3: Chloe
Dance - Stage 2: Willow, Stage 3: Year 5 Group - Ayla C, Alya B, Rhani, Ellie, Addison and Summer
Music - Stage 2: Zara
To view the dances and original song please visit our school Facebook page.
Sacrament of Confirmation
Please keep our students in Year 3 and above in your prayers as they prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Our liturgy will take place next term on Saturday 14th October at 11am in our Church. Just a reminder if you miss a class, you can catch up with another class during that week either here or at St Brendan's. Please contact the Parish Office for class times.